4 Ingredients Are Needed To Make This Truffle Fudge!

Daoramano Store
Dec 14, 2022


Yes, you read it right! You’ll just need 4 ingredients to make this tasty Truffle Fudge! Very little effort and time will be needed for this dessert, it’s so easy and fun to make you’re going to be addicted.

Ideal for those times you feel like eating something sweet but you’re too lazy to, you know, COOK. We all have been there, we understand. Sometimes all we need is to have something we can eat using our fingers (No pun intended). Try these little pieces of heaven and come tell us what you think. We promise you won’t regret it!

Preparing: 1h10m
Around 30 Servings (Pieces)


  • 250g dark chocolate

So delicious! Click and see the Whole recipe:

4 Ingredients Are Needed To Make This Truffle Fudge! — Home (daoramano.blog)



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